Almut Schilling will hold a lecture at the Research Day 2021, titled “Auditorium of Rotting Sounds: Maintaining Digital Decay”
At the beginning of the artistic research project we manifested that data degrade inevitable and we do perceive decay as transformation. With the establishment of the Auditorium of Rotting Sounds an extraordinary space, dedicated to site specific artworks, was created, to let the sound objects rot.
But how to control the temporal transformation of digital data, which basically are inherent dynamic systems? How to classify determinants and the symptoms of decay and its effects? And how to understand and perceive those created aesthetics?
Considering the difference between things (physical entities defined by its material properties) and objects (conceptual entities generated and perceived by semantically thinking) it is fundamental to ensure a certain legibility within the flow of time, which means to prevent that those entities are drifting too far apart. Consequently the maintenance, the controlled ›aging‹, appeared to reflect the individual artwork conceptually and its growing patina.
11.11.2021, 10:00–17:45
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Sitzungssaal
As announced earlier, we (Till Bovermann and Dario Sanfilippo) presented bitDSP
, a library for the “faust” DSP programming language to integrate bit-based synthesis, at the International Faust Conference 2020.
Here you can find the corresponding paper as pdf. There’s also a video of the presentation. If you’re curious to use it yourself, feel free to give it a try!
Thomas Grill was invited to share a panel at the Sound:Frame conference with Arthur Flexer (OFAI) to discuss the post digital era within their topic “Sound Art and Curating – Machine Learning and Limits of Control”.
Navigating the Postdigital
Where do you want to go? Enter starting point. Enter destination. Get directions.
Eine einfache Gleichung. Doch was, wenn man auf diese simplen Fragen keine Antwort weiß, weil die Parameter unbestimmt sind? Wo stehe ich eigentlich? Wo will ich hin?
Das Postdigitale verweigert sich dem linearen Denken. Es ist wild, vernetzt, assoziativ, sackgassenintensiv. Gleichzeitig ermöglicht es eine Neuauslotung von Kategorien und Prioritäten und schafft damit Raum. Gemeinsam mit Künstlerinnen und Wissenschaftlerinnen diskutieren wir, welche Erkenntnisse der interdisziplinäre Austausch von Kunst und Wissenschaft bringt, wenn es darum geht, mögliche Parameter für die Gestaltung unserer Gesellschaft zu finden.
Artistic Research Konferenz
Duos aus Kunst und Wissenschaft diskutieren über postdigitale Tendenzen, Machine Learning, Hybrid Art, das Wood Wide Web und mögliche Navigationsstrategien.
Konferenz: 16.01.20, 10–20:00
Ausstellung: 15.01, 10–20:00, 17.01., 12-17:00
Führung & Performance: 17.01.20, 13:30–15:00
ANGEWANDTE INNOVATION LABORATORY, Franz-Josefs-Kai 3, 1010 Wien, Österreich