Contribution for the POM Copenhagen conference accepted

We have submitted a proposal “Embracing the temporal deterioration of digital audio – A manifesto” for the EVA conference with the overarching topic “Politics of the Machine: Art and After”, held in Copenhagen on May 15-17, 2018.
Our contribution is in the form of a manifesto, targetted to the “Returns of the machine” track of the conference. It has been strongly accepted by the conference comittee.

Research project “rotting sounds” funded

Today, we have received the news that the 3.5 year project of artistic research rotting sounds has been approved by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) as project AR445-G24.
The core team of Thomas Grill, Till Bovermann and Almut Schilling, as well as the experts of the technical pool and the members of the advisory board are looking forward very much to jointly work on the topic.